Aspire and Aller Media Release New Online Casino

27 June 2018 by

Aspire Global has joined up with Aller Media Denmark to launch a new online casino within the Danish market. The new casino is now live on Aspire’s platform, which offers visitors a range of games to choose from, including standard casino games as well as traditional games, such as Sudoku and crossword puzzles.

Aspire also recently extended its gaming licence in Denmark until 2021, and expect that their latest launch will see revenue and earnings within the first three quarters of the fiscal year. They also expect to see the revenue impact of the platform within the first year.

Aller Media Denmark business developer director Andreas Hansen told reporters that choosing Aspire Global has allowed the company to improve the services they offer, and will give them the chance to provide better digital services in the future. He added that Aspire Global’s unique technical solutions means that their vision for the future of digital entertainment is much more accessible.

Aspire’s vice-president of sales, Jov Spiero, has said that their strategy at the moment is to focus on regulated markets and to provide large media companies the opportunities to launch igaming brands of their own. He went on to say that Aller Media’s unique place in the Danish media market means that the company has a strong online presence, making them the perfect candidate for the current platform, and for any that they may choose to launch in the future as a joint operation.

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