New EGBA iGaming Code Of Conduct

15 May 2020 by

The European Gaming and Betting Association has laid out the first iGaming code of conduct for most of Europe, with a strong focus on protecting minors from advertisements for online gambling. While much of Europe has in place existing legal and self-regulatory systems regarding online gambling advertising, the unveiled code of conduct help strengthen and complement many of the regulations that already exist.

Not only applicable for members of EGBA, the iGaming code for advertising online gambling is also aimed at getting licensed online gambling companies in the EU, UK, and European Economic Area on board with the code. as well as associations and representation bodies within the media sector.

The monitoring and compliance with the new code of conduct will be done via an independent third-party. EGBA feel this is especially important in the current world climate and note that the code supports the overall vision of the association which promise to promote responsible gambling and advertising.  The code of conduct was created within the context of online media consumption and focuses on the need for both self – and co-regulation to protect those who are underage from exposure to gambling advertising via a set of specific measures.

Measures that have been laid out include sections stating when it is inappropriate to advertise gambling, such as during broadcasts dedicated to minors. The content also provides details such as age screening tools on social media such as including age-gating measures on the social profiles of gambling brands, to make certain that minors do not gain access to the content and materials displayed therein.

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William Bettany

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